3D Natur Foam rising partridge target
Natur Foam 3D target rising partridge

3D Natur Foam rising partridge target

Last copies, 7-10 days delay

Last copies, 7-10 days delay

Testez votre capacité au tir à l’arc sur des 3D targets ! La 3D Natur Foam rising partridge target est l’idéale au vu de sa fabrication en mousse visco-élastique de haute densité. Elle bénéficie de qualités auto réparatrices, permettant de la laisser dehors par tous les temps.

HAT-A001637 - Natur Foam, 6604


3D Natur Foam rising partridge target: robust, durable reproduction

Produced using high-performance techniques and in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, the Natur Foam partridge-raising 3D target is designed to be realistic and ecological at an affordable price. All Natur' Foam archery targets are designed by talented sculptors and an experienced team.

3D Natur Foam partridge target features:

  • Width: 18 cm
  • Height: 35 cm
  • Group: 4
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Data sheet

Natur Foam
Target type
3D Target, Animal target
Animal Categories
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