Pack Crossbow Cobra 80 Books gold + string + bolts
- -6%
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- -6%
You'll find on Hattila's online archery store, a wide selection of 80-pound crossbows (lbs) ready to satisfy all your needs and requirements, an 80-pound mini crossbow will be a good weapon for leisure shooting or target sport shooting up to a distance of 15-20 meters.
Note that 80-pound one-handed crossbows are not suitable for long-distance shooting or for big game hunting (a hunting crossbow is more powerful).
The 80-pound crossbows are generally one-handed crossbows, compact in size, very maneuverable and easily transportable, like 50 lbs crossbows. However, they are a bit more expensive and especially more powerful and accurate. You can install various accessories on these models, including a red dot or laser sight for more precision.
The 80 lbs pistol crossbows are not toys, they are powerful mini crossbows and dangerous that must be handled with caution and always under adult supervision.
The advantage of this power is that it is easy to cock, especially with the cocking mechanisms integrated into the crossbows (folding stock or cocking aid) which make cocking even easier and faster.
With an 80 lbs crossbow, you have the ability to shoot up to 15-20 meters, which is ideal for target practice.
While large crossbows are often delivered with a whole bunch of accessories, this is rarely the case with pistol crossbows, so apart from the RedBack Deluxe, no crossbow is equipped with an original sight other than the rear sight and front sight, here's a list of accessories that will make your life easier and increase your performance:
Regardless of the power of a crossbow, it is not considered a weapon in the eyes of the Internal Security Code, nevertheless it remains a dangerous weapon and at Hattila we will consider it as a full-fledged weapon, which allows us to ask for identification in case of doubt about the buyer's age.
For transport and storage, we recommend disassembling it or rendering it immediately unusable (like a trigger lock), so you can transport it with peace of mind.
Pack Crossbow Cobra 80 Books gold + string + bolts
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Hori-Zone RedBack RX 80 lbs crossbow pistol with 5 bolts magazine