
If you're going on a multi-day trip to the wilderness, camping or bivouac, don't forget to bring the right cutlery for your needs and situation. You need something sturdy enough for all types of environments, but you also need it to be as light as possible so that it doesn't add too much weight or bulk to a bag already filled with survival equipment.

Note: cutlery has both a practical and sanitary purpose. However, among the many products sold on the market, the question is to know which one will suit you best.

To do this, you should consider some important elements, including:

  • the set of elements of the cutlery kit;
  • the material of manufacture;
  • the weight;
  • the sturdiness;
  • the ease of storage and transport (case included);
  • the practicality (folding);
  • the design and aesthetics;
  • etc.
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