Archery carbon arrows

How to choose your carbon arrow?

The market for reliable carbon arrows has changed dramatically in recent years with the arrival of Chinese production. It is difficult to differentiate this quality between the many marketing names (inexpensive carbon arrow), the prices on offer, the different diameters and tolerances claimed by the manufacturer, etc. How to choose a carbon arrow? In this article, we'll try to give you a clearer idea.

Carbon shaft: Diameter and standard

Carbon arrows first appeared on the Fita shooting market around the 1980s. They were basically pultruded composites, i.e. formed from glued longitudinal fibers. Hunting versions soon appeared. In addition to being heavy but thin, these arrows had the disadvantage of being brittle and breaking into threads and splinters, which made them unsuitable for use as a hunting arrow. hunting arrow.

This is why manufacturers have turned to carbon arrows combined with fiber wound around a matrix. The notch and insert are mounted internally (Easton Evolution, Carbon Express Mahyem and Heritage). The internal diameter of approx. 6.2mm remains the same on current production models: Easton S, Carbon Express.244 and Gold Tip. 246 standards.

Carbon arrow: Spine, weight and straightness tolerances

Weight, straightness and spine tolerances play a major role in the quality of an arrow. Knowing these tolerances will help you choose the right arrow for your needs.

The rigidity of a carbon tube

It is represented in spine (deflection). The strength and speed of a bow depend on the archer's draw length. The longer the draw length, the stiffer the arrows used.

Then, arrows that are too soft or too hard can reduce the precision and regularity of the stroke. archeryespecially when using a hunting blade. The spine is represented by a number and can vary from brand to brand.

  • The higher the number, the more flexible the tube. Note that a spine that is too weak will encourage lateral deviation of arrows on target.
  • Spines400, 340 or 300 are often used for hunting.
  • You'll find brand-specific selection charts.

The brand Carbone Express offers its own nomenclature:

  • 150 = 500 Easton ;
  • 250 = 400 Easton ;
  • 350 = 350 Easton ;
  • 450 = 300 Easton.


If you want to learn archery and make your competitive debut, opt for Avalon arrow - HYBRID carbon arrow with a spine to match your draw length and bow power.

Spine tolerance

This is what defines the homogeneity of rigidity in a bundle of tubes. If a dozen high-quality tubes were regular, this is not always the case for Chinese-made tubes sold under the distributor's name. You should be aware that a low-tolerance sag will give you a better bundle.

Weight tolerance

This translates into a difference in weight (greater or lesser) for the same bundle of arrows. For example, top-of-the-range arrows have almost the same weight as a low-end arrow. inexpensive carbon arrow to within a few grains (1 grain = 0.0648gram). This low weight tolerance will have an impact on arrow grouping. A novice will have difficulty seeing these differences from an experienced archer.

Straightness tolerance

This is the easiest criterion to observe. A quality arrow will give better straightness than an arrow of inferior construction. This tolerance is expressed by a number:

  • 001 for perfect competition arrows;
  • 003 for good hunting arrows;
  • 006 for the most economical arrows.

Arrows006 will shoot less accurate arrows than 003 or 001.

Carbon boom: heavy or light

Some modern arrows are quite light. However, this is problematic for a young compound hunter shooting with a soft, low-powered bow or using a traditional bow. Basically, the shot will be less accurate.

For this reason, opt for a heavier arrow, but one that is balanced according to the bow's power, especially for hunting. In fact, a heavy arrow efficiently conserves energy for a better trajectory. What's more, it's easier to pierce dense tissue (large wild boar, for example).

Carbon arrow: other tips

Ask yourself: do you lose more arrows than you break? If so, opt for economical arrows. If not, a quality arrow will give you reliability, sturdiness and greater economy over the long term.

You can also use the arrow sorting technique to answer the first question. Take a new blazon, shoot your arrows from a distance of about 20 metres after numbering them. Once the arrows have been removed from the target, write the arrow number on the point of impact. After a few shots, you'll be able to see the trends:

  • If the numbers are randomly distributed in your target, you can't yet highlight the tendencies of your arrows.
  • If you've managed to do a few shot groupings, you've got the skills to move on to higher-quality arrows.
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